Numbers 11:25-29

Matthew(i) 25 And the Lorde came doune in a cloude & spake vnto him, and toke of the sprete that was vpon him, and put it vpon the .lxx. elders. And as the spirite rested vpon them, they prophecied & dyd nought els. 26 But there remayneth .ij. of the men in the host: the one called Eldad, & the other Medad And the spirite rested vpon them for they were of them that were wrytten, but they went not out vnto the tabernacle: and they prophecyed in the hoste. 27 And there ran a younge man & told Moses and saied: Eldad & Medad do prophecye in the hoste. 28 And Iosua the sonne of Nun the seruaunte of Moses which he had chosen out answered and sayed: master Moses, forbyd them. 29 And Moses sayed vnto hym: enuyest thou for my sake? wold God that al the Lordes people coulde prophecye, & that the lord wolde put his spyrite vpon them.