Mark 15:1-27

Matthew(i) 1 And anone in the daunynge the hye priestes helde a counsel with the elders, and the scribes, and the whole congregacion & bounde Iesus and ledde hym awaye, & delyuered hym to Pilate. 2 And Pylate axed hym: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? And he aunswered and sayde vnto hym: thou sayest it. 3 And the hyghe Priestes accused him of manye thynges. 4 Wherfore Pylate axeth hym agayne, saying: Answerest thou nothyng? beholde how manye thinges they laye vnto thy charge: 5 Iesus yet aunswered neuer a worde, so that Pylate meruayled. 6 At that feaste Pylate was wonte to delyuer at theyr pleasure a prysoner, whosoeuer they woulde desyre. 7 And there was one named Barrabas, whiche laye bounde with them that made insurreccyon, and the insurreccyon committed murther. 8 And the people called vnto hym, & began to desyre, accordyng as he had euer done vnto them: 9 Pylate aunswered them, & sayd: Wil ye that I lowse vnto you the kyng of the Iewes? 10 For he knew that the hye priestes had deliuered him of enuye. 11 But the hye prestes had moued the people: that he shoulde rather delyuer Barrabas vnto them. 12 And Pylate aunswered agayne, & sayd vnto them: what wyl ye then that I do with hym, whom ye call the kynge of the Iewes? 13 And they cryed agayne: crucifye hym. 14 Pylate said vnto them: what euyl hath he done? And they cryed the more feruentlye: Crucifye hym. 15 And so Pylate wyllyng to content the people, loused them Barrabas, and delyuered Iesus, when he had scourged hym, for to be crucifyed. 16 And the soudyers ledde hym away into the common hall, and called together the whole multytude, 17 and they clothed him wyth purple, and they platted a croune of thornes and crouned hym with al, 18 and began to salute hym: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. 19 And they smote hym on the head with a rede, and spatte vpon hym, and kneled doune & worshipped hym. 20 And when they had mocked hym, they toke the purple of hym, and put hys owne clothes on him, and led him out to crucifye him. 21 And they compelled one that passed by, called Simon of Ciren (which came out of the feld, and was father of Alexander and Rufus) to beare hys crosse. 22 And they broughte hym to a place named Golgotha (which is by interpretacyon, the place of dead mens sculles) 23 and they gaue hym to drynke wyne myngled wyth myrre, but he receyued it not. 24 And when they had crucifyed hym, they parted hys garmentes castynge lotes for them, what euerye man shoulde haue. 25 And it was about the thyrde houre, and they crucyfyed him. 26 And the tytle of hys cause was written: The kynge of the Iewes. 27 And they crucified wt hym two theues, the one on the ryght hande, and the other on his lyft.