56 And they returned and prepared odours and ointmentes: but rested the Saboth daye, accordinge to the commaundemente.
24 1 On the morowe after the Saboth, early in the morninge, they came vnto the toumbe and brought the odoures which they had prepared and other women with them.
2 And they founde the stone rouled awaye from the sepulchre,
3 and wente in, but founde not the bodye of the Lorde Iesu.
4 And it happened, as they were amased thereat. Behold two men stode by them in shinninge vestures.
5 And as they were afrayed, and bowed doune their faces on the earth: they sayed to them: Why seke ye the lyuinge amonge the dead?
6 he is not here, but is rysen. Remember howe he spake vnto you, when he was yet with you in Galile,
7 saiynge: that the sonne of man must be delyuered into the handes of synfull men, and be crucifyed, and the thirde daye ryse againe.
8 And they remembred his wordes,
9 and returned from the sepulchre, and tolde all these thinges vnto the eleuen, and to al the remnaunte.
10 It was Mary Magdalene, and Ioanna, and Mary Iacobi, and other that were with them which tolde these thinges vnto the Apostles,
11 & their wordes semed vnto them fained thinges, neyther beleued they them.
12 Then arose Peter and ranne vnto the sepulchre, and stouped in & sawe the linnen clothes layde by them selfe, & departed wondringe in him selfe at that which had happened.