Luke 10:1-16

Matthew(i) 1 After these thynges, the Lord appoynted other seuentye also: and sent them, two & two before him into euery citie and place, whyther he hym selfe woulde come. 2 And he sayed vnto them, the haruest is great, but the laborers are fewe. Praye therfore the Lorde of the harueste, to sende forth laborers into hys haruest. 3 Go youre wayes: beholde, I sende you forth as lambes among wolues. 4 Beare no wallet neyther scryppe, nor shues, and salute no man by the way. 5 Into whatsoeuer house ye enter, fyrste saye: Peace be to thys house. 6 And yf the sonne of peace be there your peace shal reste vpon hym: yf not, it shal returne to you agayne. 7 And in the same house tary styll, eatynge and drinckynge suche as they haue. For the labourer is worthy of thys rewarde. Go not from house to house, 8 & into whatsoeuer citie ye enter, yf they receyue you, eate suche thynges as are set before you, 9 and heale the sycke that are there, and say vnto them: the kyngedome of God is come nye vnto you. 10 But into whatsoeuer citie ye shall enter, yf they receyue you not, go youre wayes out into the streates of the same and saye: 11 euen the very duste, whiche cleaueth on vs of your citie, we wype of agaynste you. Notwithstandynge marke this that the kyngdome of God was come nye vpon you. 12 Yea, and I saye to you, that it shalbe easier in that daye for Zodome then for that citie. 13 Wo be to the Chorazim, wo be to the Bethsaida. For yf the myracles had bene done in Tyre and Sidon, whiche haue bene done in you, they had a great whyle a gone repented, sittynge in hayre and ashes. 14 Neuerthelesse, it shalbe easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the iudgement, then for you. 15 And thou Capernaum, which arte exalted to heauen, shalt be thruste doune to hell. 16 He that heareth you, heareth me, and he that dispyseth you, despyseth me: & he that despyseth me, despiseth hym that sente me.