1 Eliu spake moreouer, and sayde:
2 Thinkest thou it right that thou saiest: I am ryghteous before GOD?
3 Seynge, thou sayest so, howe doest thou knowe it? What thynge haste thou more excellente then I, that I am a synner?
4 Therfore wyll I geue answere vnto the and thy frendes:
5 loke vnto the heauen, and beholde it: consydre the cloudes, how they are hyer then thou.
6 If thou sinnest, what doest thou vnto hym? If thyne offences be manye, howe gettest thou his fauoure?
7 Yf thou be ryghteous what geuest thou hym? Or what receyueth he of thy handes?
8 Of such an vngodly personne as thou, and of the sonne of man that is ryghtuous as thou pretendeste to be:
9 there is a great crye & complaynt made by them that are oppressed with violence, yea euerye man complayneth vpon the cruell arme of tyrauntes.
10 For suche one neuer sayeth: Where is God that made me? & that shyneth vpon vs, that we myght prayse him in the nighte?
11 Whiche geueth vs more vnderstandyng then he doth the beastes of the earthe, and teacheth vs more then the foules of heauen.
12 If anye suche complayne, no man geueth answere, and that because of the wyckednesse of proude tyrauntes.
13 But yf a man call vpon God, doth not he heare him? Doth not the almyghtye accepte hys crye?
14 Whan thou speakest then, shulde not he pardon the, yf thou open thy selfe before hym, and put thy trust in hym?
15 Then vseth he no vyolence in his wrath nether hath the pleasure in curyous & depe inquisicions.
16 Therfore hath Iob opened hys mouthe but in vayne, and folyshlye hathe he made so many wordes.