11 For the prophetes & the prestes them selues are poluted ypocrytes, and their wyckednes haue I founde in my house, sayeth the Lorde.
12 Wherfore, their waye shall be slypperye in the darcknesse, where in they maye stacker and fall. For I wyll bringe a plage vpon them, euen the yeare of their visytacyon, sayeth the Lorde.
13 I haue sene foly amonge the Prophetes of Samaria that they preached for Ball, & disceyued my people of Israel.
14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes of Ierusalem foule aduouterye, and presumptuous lyes. They take the moste shamefull men by the hande, flatryng them, so that they can not returne from their wickednes. All these wyth their cytesyns are vnto me, as Sodom, and as the inhabitours of Gomorre.
15 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes concernynge the prophetes: Beholde, I wyll fede them with wormwod, and make them dryncke the water of gall. For from the prophetes of Ierusalem is the sycknes and ypocrisye come in to all the lande.
16 And therfore the Lorde of Hostes geueth you this warnynge: Heare not the wordes of the prophetes, that preach vnto you, and disceyue you: for they speake the meanynge of their owne herte, and not out of the mouth of the Lorde.
17 They saye vnto them, that despyse me: The Lorde hath spoken it: Tush, ye shall prospere ryght well. And vnto all them, that walcke after the luste of their owne herte, they saye: Tushe, there shall no misfortune happen you.
18 For who hath sytten in the councell of the Lord, that he hath hearde and vnderstande, what he is aboute to do? Who hath marcked hys deuyce, and herde it?
19 Beholde, the stormy wether of the Lorde (that is his indignacyon) shall go forth, and shall fal downe vpon the head of the vngodlye.
20 And the wrath of the Lorde shall not turne agayne, vntyll he perfourme and fulfull the thoughte of his herte. And in the latter dayes ye shall knowe his meanynge.
21 I haue not sent these Prophetes (sayeth the Lorde) and yet they ranne. I haue not spoken to them, and yet they preached.
22 But yf they had contynued in my councell and herde my wordes: they had turned my people from their euell wayes and wycked ymagynacyons.