Jeremiah 22:13-15

Matthew(i) 13 Wo worth him, that buyldeth hys house with vnrightuousnes, and hys parlers with the good that he hath gotten by violence: which neuer recompenseth hys neyghbours laboure, ner payeth hym his hyre. 14 He thyncketh in hym selfe: I wyll buylde me a wyde house, and gorgeous parlers: He causet windowes to be hewen therin, and the sylynges and geastes maketh he of Cedre, & paynteth them with Zenober. 15 Thinckest thou to raigne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath wyth the Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drincke, and prospere well, as longe as he dealt wt equite and ryghtuousnesse?