2 And yf they saye vnto the: Whyther shall we go? Then tell them: The Lorde geueth you thys answere: Some vnto death, some to the swearde, some to honger, some in to captyuyte.
3 For I will bryng foure plages vpon them sayeth the Lorde. The swearde shall strangle them, the dogges shal deuoure them, the foules of the ayre, and beastes of the earth shall eate them vp, and destroye them.
4 I wyll scatter them aboute also in all kyngdomes and landes to be plaged, because of Manasseh the sonne of Hezekiah kynge of Iuda, for the thinges that he dyd in Ierusalem.
5 Who shall then haue pyte vpon the O Ierusalem? Who shall be sory for the? Or who shall make intercession, to opteyne peace for the?
6 seynge thou goest fro me, & turnest backwarde, sayeth the Lorde? Therfore I will stretch out myne hand agaynst the, to destroy the, and I wyll not be intreated.
7 I will scatre the abrode with fanne no euery side of the lande: I wyll waste my people and destroye them, for they haue had no luste to turne from their owne wayes.
8 I wyll make their wyddowes mo in nombre, then the sandes of the sea. Vpon the mothers of their chyldren, I shall brynge a destroyer in the noone daye. Sodenlye & vnawarres, shall I sende a feare vpon their cyties.
9 She that hath borne .vij. chyldren, shall haue none, here herte shal be full of sorowe. The Sunne shall fayle her in the cleare daye, when she shalbe confounded and faynte for very heuynesse. As for those that remayne, I wyll delyuer them vnto the swearde of their enemyes, sayth the Lorde.