15 Because thou hast bene forsaken and hated, so that noman went thorowe the: I wyl make the glorious for euer and euer, and ioyfull thorowe oute all posterities.
16 Thou shalt sucke the mylcke of the Gentiles, and kinges brestes shal fede the. And thou shalt knowe that I the Lorde am thy Sauyoure and defender, the mightie one of Iacob.
17 For brasse, will I geue the golde, and for yron siluer: for wood brasse, & for stones yron. I will make peace thy ruler, and ryghteousnes thyne officer.
18 Violence and robbery shall neuer be heard of in thy land, neither harme and destruccyon within thy borders. The walles shalbe calleth healthe, and thy gate the prayse of God.
19 The Sunne shall neuer be thy day lyght, and the light of the Mone shal neuer shyne vnto the, but the Lorde hym selfe shalbe thyne euerlasting lyght, and thy God shalbe thy glory.
20 Thy Sunne shall neuer go doune, & thy Mone shal not be taken awaye, for the Lorde him selfe shalbe thy euerlastynge light, & thy sorowfull dayes shalbe rewarded the.