1 Vp Syon vp, take thy strengthe vnto the: put on thyne honeste rayment O Ierusalem, thou citie of the holye one. For from thys tyme forthe, there shall no vncyrcumcysed nor vncleane person come in the.
2 Shake the from the dust, aryse and stand vp, O Ierusalem. Plucke oute thy necke from the bonde. O thou captyue doughter Syon.
3 For thus sayth the Lord: ye are solde for naughte, therfor shal ye be redemed also without anye moneye.
4 For thus hath the Lorde sayde: My people wente doune afore tyme into Egypte, there to be straungers. Afterwarde dyd the kynge of the Assyryans oppresse them, for naughte.
5 And nowe what profyt is it to me (sayeth the Lorde) that my people is frely caryed awaye, & brought into heuynes by theyr rulers, and my name euer styll blasphemed? saith the Lorde.
6 But that my people maye knowe my name, I my selfe will speache in that daye. Beholde, here am I.