Isaiah 47:9-11

Matthew(i) 9 And yet both these thinges shall come to the vpon one daye in the twyncklyng of an eye: Namely wyddowhead, & desolacyon. They shall mightely fall vpon the, for the multitude of thy witches, & for the greate heape of thy coniurers. 10 For thou hast comforted thy selfe in thy dysceitfulnes, and hast sayde: No man seyth me. Thyne owne wysdome & connyng hath disceueyd the. In that thou hast sayde: I am alone, and without me there is none. 11 Therfore shall trouble come vpon the, & thou shalt not knowe, from whence it shall aryse. Myschefe shal fall vpon the, which thou shalt not be able to put of. A sodane myserye shall come vpon the, or euer thou be a warre.