Isaiah 14:3-7

Matthew(i) 3 When the lord now shall bringe the to rest, from the trauail, feare, and harde boundage that thou wast laden wyth all, 4 then shalte thou vse thys mockage vpon the Kynge of Babylon, and saye: Howe happeneth it, that the oppressoure leaueth of? Is the goulden trybute come to an ende? 5 Douteles the Lorde hathe broken the staffe of the vngodlye, and the scepter of the lordly. 6 Whyche when he is wrothe, smyteth the people with durable strokes, and in his wonders he persecuteth them, and tameth them continually. 7 And therfore the whole worlde is now at reste and quyetnesse, and men sing for ioye.