Isaiah 14:13-17

Matthew(i) 13 And yet thou thoughtest in thyne herte: I wyll climme vp into heauen, and make my seate aboue the starres of God, I wyl syt vpon the glorious mounte toward the North, 14 I wyll climme vp aboue the cloudes, and wylbe like the hyghest of all. 15 Yet darre I saye, that thou shalt be brought doune to the depe of hel. 16 They that se the, shal narowly loke vpon the, and thinke in them selues, sayenge: Is thys the man, that brought all landes in feare, and made the kyngedomes afrayde. 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cytyes to the grounde, whyche let not his prisoners go home?