Hosea 1:2-5

Matthew(i) 2 First when the Lorde spake vnto Oseas, he sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, take an harlot to thy wyfe, and get chyldren by her: for the lande hath committed greate whordome agaynst the Lorde. 3 So he wente, and toke Gomer the doughter of Deblaim: whiche conceyued, and brought forth a sonne. 4 And the Lorde sayde vnto him: call his name Iesraell, for I wyll shortly auenge the bloude of Iesrael, vpon the house of Iehu, and wyll brynge the kingedome of the house of Israel to an ende. 5 Then wyl I breake the bowe of Israel, in the valley of Iesrael.