Genesis 11:2-9

Matthew(i) 2 And as they came from the Easte, they found a playne in the lande of Sinear, and ther they dwelled, 3 and they sayed one to an other: come on, lette vs make brycke and burne it with fire. So brycke was theyr stone, and slyme was theyr morter. 4 And they sayed come on, let vs builde a citye & a tower, that the toppe may reach vnto heuen. And let vs make vs a name for peraduenture we shall be scatered abrod ouer al the erth. 5 And the Lord came downe to se the city and the tower which the children of Adam had builded. 6 And the Lorde sayed: See, the people is one, and haue one tonge amonge them all. And thys haue they begon to do, and wyll not leaue of frome all that they haue purposed to do. 7 Come on, let vs descende, and myngle theyr tonge euen there, that one vnderstande not what another sayeth. 8 Thus the Lorde skattered them from thence vpon all the earth. And they left of to builde the city. 9 Wherefore the name of it is called Babell, bycause that the Lorde there confounded the tonge of al the world. And bicause that the Lorde from thence scatered them abrode vpon all the earth.