12 Take hede to thy selfe, that thou make no compact wyth the inhabiters of the Lande whether thou goest, least it because of ruine among you.
13 But ouerthrowe their aulters and breake theyr pillars, & cut downe their groues,
14 for thou shalt worshyp no straunge God. For the Lorde is called gelousee bycause he is a gelouse God:
15 lest if thou make any agremente wyth the inhabiters of the lande, when they go a whorynge after theyr Gods and do sacrifice vnto theyr Goddes, they cal the and thou eate of theyr sacrifyce:
16 and thou take of theyr daughters vnto thy sonnes, and when theyr daughters goo a whorynge after theyr Goddes,
17 they make thy sonnes goo a whoringe after their Goddes also. Thou shalt make the no Gods of metall.