12 Take hede to thy selfe, that thou make no compacte with the inhabyters of the lande whether thou goest, lest it be cause of ruyne amonge you.
13 But ouerthrowe their aulters, and breake their ymages, and cut doune their groues.
14 Thou shalt worshyp no straunge God. For the Lorde is called gelous, because he is a gelous God:
15 lest yf thou make any agrement with the inhabiters of the lande, and they goo a whoring after theyr goddes, and do sacrifice vnto theyr goddes, they call the, and thou eate of theyr sacrifice:
16 & thou take of their daughters vnto thy sonnes, and theyr daughters go a whoringe after theyr goddes,
17 and make thy sonnes go a whoring after their goddes also. Thou shalt make the no goddes of metall.