1 And the Lorde said vnto Moyses: yet wyl I bryng one plage more vpon Pharao, and vpon Egypt, & after that he wyll let you go hence. And when he letteth you go, he shal vtterly driue you hence
2 But byd the people, that euery man borowe of hys neyghboure, and euery womanne of hyr neyghboures, Iewels of siluer and iewels of golde.
3 And the Lorde gate the people fauour in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreouer Moses was very greate in the Lande of Egypt: both in the syght of Pharao & also in the syght of the people.
4 And Moses sayd: thus sayeth the Lorde: About mydnyght wyll I go oute amonge the Egiptians,
5 & all the first borne in the Land of Egypte shal dye: euen from the first borne of Pharao that sitteth on his seat, vnto the fyrst borne of the mayde seruaunte that is in the mylle, and al the firstborne of the cattell.
6 And there shalbe a great crye thorow out all the lande of Egypt: so that there was neuer none lyke nor shall be.
7 And amonge all the chyldren of Israel shal not a dogge moue his tonge, nor yet manne or beaste: that ye maye knowe howe the Lorde putteth a difference betwene the Egyptians & Israel.
8 And these thy seruauntes shall come downe vnto me, & fal before me and say: get the out & al the people that are vnder the, & then wyll I departe. And he wente out frome Pharao, in a great anger.
9 And the Lorde sayd vnto Moses: Pharao shall not regarde you, that many wonders may be wrought in the land of Egypt.
10 And Moses & Aaron dyd al these wonders before Pharao. But the Lord hardened Pharaos hert, so that he woulde not let the chyldren of Israel go out of hys Land.