2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Matthew(i) 3 Let no man deceyue you by any meanes, for the Lord commeth not, except there come a departyng first, and that, that sinful man be opened, the sonne of perdicyon 4 whiche is an aduersarye, and is exalted aboue all that is called God, or that is worshypped: so that he shall sytte as God in the temple of God, and shewe hym selfe as God. 5 Remember ye not, that when I was yet with you, I tolde you these thynges? 6 And nowe ye knowe what withholdeth: euen that he myght be vttered at his tyme. 7 For the mysterye of that iniquitie doeth he al ready work whiche onelye loketh vntyll it be taken out of the waye. 8 And then shall that wicked be vttered, whome the Lorde shall consume with the spirite of hys mouth, and shall destroye wt the aperaunce of hys commynge. 9 euen hym whose commynge is by the workynge of Sathan, with all liynge power, signes and wonders: 10 and in all deceyuablenes of vnryghtuousnes, amonge them that peryshe: because they receyued not the loue of the truethe, that they myght haue bene sayed. 11 And therfore God shall sende them stronge delusyon, that they shoulde beleue lyes: 12 that all they myghte be damned which beleued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnryghtuousnes.