2 Samuel 24:3-8

Matthew(i) 3 And Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: I beseche that the Lorde thy God make the people as many mo as they be: ye & an hundred tymes so many mo, and that the eyes of my Lorde the Kynge maie se them. But howe it is that my Lorde the Kyng hath a lust in this thing? 4 Notwithstandinge the Kynges wordes preuayled agaynst Ioab and agaynst all the captaynes of the hoste. Then Ioab and the captaynes of the hoste went oute from the kynge, to vewe the people of Israell, 5 and they passed ouer Iordan and pytched in Aroer on the ryght syde of the cytye that lyeth in the myddes of the valeye of Gad, and so forthe to Iazer. 6 And then they went to Galaad, and to the nether lande of Hosedi, and from thence to Dan Iaan, and aboute to Sidon, 7 and came to the stronge towne of Tyre, and to all the cities of the Heuites and of the Cananites, and then went out to the South of Iuda, euen to Bersabe. 8 And so when they had bene abroade thorow oute al the lande, they returned to Ierusalem agayne at the ende of nyne monethes and twentye dayes.