14 the spyryte of the Lorde came vpon Iahaziel the sonne of Zachariah the sonne of Banaiah the sonne of Ieiel the sonne of Mathaniah a Leuite of the sonnes of Asaph, euen as he was in the myddes of the congregacion:
15 And he sayde: herken all Iuda, and the enhabiters of Ierusalem, and also kynge Iehosaphat. Thus sayth the Lorde vnto you: be not afrayde or faynte herted by reason of thys great multitude. For the warre is not youres, but Goddes.
16 And to morow ye shall go doune to them: se, they come vp at Ziz, & ye shall mete them in the flagges of the broke before the wyldernesse of Ieruel.
17 Moreouer it belongeth not to you for to fight in this quarell: but stepe forth and stande and behold the helpe of the Lorde whiche is wyth you: feare not, nor let youre hartes fayle you, O ye of Iuda and of Ierusalem. To morow go out to them: for the Lorde is with you.
18 And Iehosaphat bowed hym self with his face to the citie, & al Iuda and the enhabiters of Ierusalem fell before the Lorde, to bowe them selues vnto the Lorde.
19 And the Leuites and the children of the Cahathites & of the Corathites stode vp, to prayse the Lorde God of Israel with a loud voyce on hye.
20 And so they arose erlye in the mornyng, and get them out vnto the wyldernesse of Tekua. And as they went out, Iehosaphat stode and sayde: heare me Iuda, and ye enhabyters of Ierusalem. Beleue in the Lorde youre God, and so shall ye continue: and beleue his prophetes & so shall ye prospere.