7 Then sayde Saul vnto hys seruauntes: seke me a woman that is mastres of a spyrit of prophecie, that I may go to her and aske of her. And his seruauntes said to hym: se, there is a wyfe that hath a spyrit of prophecy in her possession at Endor.
8 And Saul chaunged hys clothes & put on other rayment, & then went he and two men wt hym, & they came to the wyfe by nyghte. And he sayde: prophesye vnto me by the spyryt, & bring me him vp whom I shal name vnto the.
9 And the wyfe sayde vnto hym: Beholde, thou knowest what Saul hath done how he hath destroyed the wemen that had prophesyinge spirites, & the Sorcerers out of the lande. Wherfore then layest thou a nette for my soule to kyl me?
10 And Saul swore to her by the Lorde sayinge: As surely as the Lord lyueth, there shall no harme chaunce the for this thynge.
11 Then saide the wyfe: whom shall I fetche vp vnto the? and he sayde: Brynge me vp Samuel.
12 When the woman saw Samuell, she cryed with a loude voice & spake to Saul saying: why hast thou mocked me for thou art Saul:
13 And the kynge sayde vnto her, be not afrayd. But what seyst thou. And the wyfe sayde vnto Saul: I se a God ascendynge vp out of the earth.
14 And he sayd: what fashyon is he of? And the woman sayd: there cometh vp an olde man wyth a mantel vpon hym. And Saul perceyued that it was Samuel, and stouped wt hys face to the ground and bowed him selfe.
15 And Samuel sayde to Saul: why hast thou vnquyeted me, to make me be brought vp? And Saul answered: I am sore encombred. For the Philistines make warre agaynst me & God is departed from me & answered me no more, nether by prophetes, nether by dreames. And therfore I haue called the, to tell me what I shall do.
16 Then said Samuel: wherfore doest thou aske of me? while the lorde is gone from the & is thyne enemye,
17 the lorde wyl do to the as he sayde by my hande. For the lorde wyl rent the kyngdom out of thyne hand, & geue it thy neyghboure Dauid,
18 because thou obeydst not the voyce of the Lorde, nor excutest hys fearce wrath vpon the Amalekites. Therfore hath the lord done thys vnto the this daye.
19 And moreouer the Lorde wyll delyuer Israel wyth the, into the handes of the Philistines. And to morow shalt thou and thy sonnes be with me, and the Lorde shall geue the host of Israel into the handes of the Philistines.
20 Then Saul fell streyght waye flatte on the earth as longe as he was, and was sore a dread of the wordes of Samuel. And therto there was no strength in hym, for he had not eaten all the daye & the nyght before.