Acts 10:4-10

Living_Oracles(i) 4 And having fixed his eyes upon him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms are come up, as a memorial before God. 5 And now send men to Joppa and bring hither Simon, whose surname is Peter: 6 he lodges with one Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the seaside. 7 As soon as the messenger, who spoke to Cornelius, was gone, he called two of his domestics, and a pious soldier, of them that waited upon him; 8 and having related to them all these things, he sent them to Joppa. 9 On the next day, while they were on their journey, and drew near the city, Peter went up to the top of the house to pray, about the sixth hour. 10 And he was hungry, and would have taken a little refreshment; but while they were preparing, he fell into an ecstasy;