Acts 10:4-10

AUV(i) 4 As he stared at [the angel] in fright, he asked, "What is it, Lord?" [Note: The word "Lord" here could also be translated "Sir," and its correct rendering depends on whether or not Cornelius understood the angel to be from God]. And the angel replied, "Your [continual] prayers and [generous] gifts to poor people have not gone unnoticed before God. 5 And now send men to Joppa to get Simon Peter; 6 he is staying with Simon, a tanner [of animal hides], whose house is close to the [Mediterranean] sea." 7 When the angel who spoke with him had left, Cornelius called two of his house servants and a soldier who was devoted [to God], men who worked for him regularly, 8 and after explaining the whole situation to them, he sent them on to Joppa. 9 As they were traveling the next day, and were coming close to the city [of Joppa], Peter went up about noontime [Note: Or 6 AM if calculating by Roman time], to the top of the house to pray [Note: The roofs of houses were flat areas, often used for resting, meals, prayer, etc.]. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while lunch was being prepared he was overcome by a "trance" [i.e., a semi-conscious, vision-like state]