Luke 4:20-21

  20 G2532 And G4428 he closed [G5660]   G975 the book G591 , and he gave it again [G5631]   G5257 to the minister G2523 , and sat down [G5656]   G2532 . And G3788 the eyes G3956 of all them G2258 that were [G5713]   G1722 in G4864 the synagogue G816 were fastened [G5723]   G846 on him.
  21 G1161 And G756 he began [G5662]   G3004 to say [G5721]   G4314 unto G846 them G3754 , This G4594 day G4137 is G3778 this G1124 scripture G4137 fulfilled [G5769]   G1722 in G5216 your G3775 ears.