Ezra 3:10-11

  10 H1129 And when the builders [H8802]   H3245 laid the foundation [H8765]   H1964 of the temple H3068 of the LORD H5975 , they set [H8686]   H3548 the priests H3847 in their apparel [H8794]   H2689 with trumpets H3881 , and the Levites H1121 the sons H623 of Asaph H4700 with cymbals H1984 , to praise [H8763]   H3068 the LORD H3027 , after the ordinance H1732 of David H4428 king H3478 of Israel.
  11 H6030 And they sang together by course [H8799]   H1984 in praising [H8763]   H3034 and giving thanks [H8687]   H3068 unto the LORD H2896 ; because he is good H2617 , for his mercy H5769 endureth for ever H3478 toward Israel H5971 . And all the people H7321 shouted [H8689]   H1419 with a great H8643 shout H1984 , when they praised [H8763]   H3068 the LORD H3245 , because the foundation H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3245 was laid [H8717]  .