Romans 9:30-32

  30 G5101 What G2046 shall we say [G5692]   G3767 then G3754 ? That G1484 the Gentiles G3588 , which G1377 followed [G5723]   G3361 not G1343 after righteousness G2638 , have attained [G5627]   G1343 to righteousness G1161 , even G1343 the righteousness G3588 which G1537 is of G4102 faith.
  31 G1161 But G2474 Israel G1377 , which followed [G5723]   G3551 after the law G1343 of righteousness G5348 , hath G3756 not G5348 attained [G5656]   G1519 to G3551 the law G1343 of righteousness.
  32 G1302 Wherefore G3754 ? Because G3756 they sought it not G1537 by G4102 faith G235 , but G5613 as G1537 it were by G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1063 . For G4350 they stumbled [G5656]   G3037 at that stumblingstone G4348  ;
  30 G5101 τι What G3767 ουν Then G2046 (G5692) ερουμεν Shall We Say? G3754 οτι That G1484 εθνη Gentiles G3588 τα That G3361 μη Follow G1377 (G5723) διωκοντα Not After G1343 δικαιοσυνην Righteousness, G2638 (G5627) κατελαβεν Attained G1343 δικαιοσυνην Righteousness G1343 δικαιοσυνην Righteousness G1161 δε But G3588 την That "is" G1537 εκ By G4102 πιστεως Faith.
  31 G2474 ισραηλ Israel, G1161 δε But G1377 (G5723) διωκων Following After G3551 νομον A Law G1343 δικαιοσυνης Of Righteousness, G1519 εις To G3551 νομον A Law G1343 δικαιοσυνης Of Righteousness G3756 ουκ Did G5348 (G5656) εφθασεν Not Attain.
  32 G1302 διατι Why? G3754 οτι Because " It Was " G3756 ουκ Not G1537 εκ By G4102 πιστεως Faith, G235 αλλ But G5613 ως As G1537 εξ By G2041 εργων Works G3551 νομου Of Law. G4350 (G5656) προσεκοψαν They Stumbled G1063 γαρ For G3588 τω At The G3037 λιθω   G3588 του Stone G4348 προσκομματος Of Stumbling,