1 Corinthians 6:9-11

  9 G2228   G1492 Know ye [G5758]   G3756 not G3754 that G94 the unrighteous G2816 shall G3756 not G2816 inherit [G5692]   G932 the kingdom G2316 of God G4105 ? Be G3361 not G4105 deceived [G5744]   G3777 : neither G4205 fornicators G3777 , nor G1496 idolaters G3777 , nor G3432 adulterers G3777 , nor G3120 effeminate G3777 , nor G733 abusers of themselves with mankind,
  10 G3777 Nor G2812 thieves G3777 , nor G4123 covetous G3777 , nor G3183 drunkards G3756 , nor G3060 revilers G3756 , nor G727 extortioners G3756 , shall inherit G2816   [G5692]   G932 the kingdom G2316 of God.
  11 G2532 And G5023 such G2258 were [G5713]   G5100 some of you G235 : but G628 ye are washed [G5668]   G235 , but G37 ye are sanctified [G5681]   G235 , but G1344 ye are justified [G5681]   G1722 in G3686 the name G2962 of the Lord G2424 Jesus G2532 , and G1722 by G4151 the Spirit G2257 of our G2316 God.
  9 G2228 η Or G3756 ουκ   G1492 (G5758) οιδατε Know Ye Not G3754 οτι That G94 αδικοι Unjust Ones "the" G932 βασιλειαν Kingdom G2316 θεου Of God G3756 ου Not G2816 (G5692) κληρονομησουσιν Shall Inherit? G3361 μη   G4105 (G5744) πλανασθε Be Not Mislead; G3777 ουτε Neither G4205 πορνοι Fornicators, G3777 ουτε Nor G1496 ειδωλολατραι Idolaters, G3777 ουτε Nor G3432 μοιχοι Adulterers, G3777 ουτε Nor G3120 μαλακοι Abusers Of Themselves As Women, G3777 ουτε Nor G733 αρσενοκοιται Abusers Of Themselves With Men,
  10 G3777 ουτε Nor G2812 κλεπται Thieves, G3777 ουτε Nor G4123 πλεονεκται Covetous, G3777 ουτε Nor G3183 μεθυσοι Drunkards, G3756 ου Nor G3060 λοιδοροι Railers, G3756 ουχ Nor G727 αρπαγες Rapacious, "the" G932 βασιλειαν Kingdom G2316 θεου   G3756 ου Of God G2816 (G5692) κληρονομησουσιν Shall Inherit.
  11 G2532 και And G5023 ταυτα These Things G5100 τινες   G2258 (G5713) ητε Some Of You Were; G235 αλλα But G628 (G5668) απελουσασθε Ye Were Washed, G235 αλλα But G37 (G5681) ηγιασθητε Ye Were Sanctified, G235 αλλ But G1344 (G5681) εδικαιωθητε Ye Were Justified, G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G3686 ονοματι Name G3588 του Of The G2962 κυριου Lord G2424 ιησου Jesus, G2532 και And G1722 εν By G3588 τω The G4151 πνευματι Spirit G3588 του   G2316 θεου   G2257 ημων Of Our God.