Revelation 19:1-3

  1 G2532 And G3326 after G5023 these things G191 I heard [G5656]   G3173 a great G5456 voice G4183 of much G3793 people G1722 in G3772 heaven G3004 , saying [G5723]   G239 , Alleluia G4991 ; Salvation G2532 , and G1391 glory G2532 , and G5092 honour G2532 , and G1411 power G2962 , unto the Lord G2257 our G2316 God:
  2 G3754 For G228 true G2532 and G1342 righteous G846 are his G2920 judgments G3754 : for G2919 he hath judged [G5656]   G3173 the great G4204 whore G3748 , which G5351 did corrupt [G5707]   G1093 the earth G1722 with G846 her G4202 fornication G2532 , and G1556 hath avenged [G5656]   G129 the blood G846 of his G1401 servants G1537 at G846 her G5495 hand.
  3 G2532 And G1208 again G2046 they said [G5758]   G239 , Alleluia G2532 . And G846 her G2586 smoke G305 rose up [G5719]   G1519 for G165 ever G165 and ever.
  1 G2532 και And G3326 μετα After G5023 ταυτα These Things G191 (G5656) ηκουσα I Heard G5456 φωνην A Voice G3793 οχλου Of A Multitude G4183 πολλου Great G3173 μεγαλην Loud G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G3772 ουρανω Heaven, G3004 (G5723) λεγοντος Saying, G239 αλληλουια Hallelujah : G3588 η The G4991 σωτηρια Salvation G2532 και And G3588 η The G1391 δοξα Glory G2532 και And G3588 η The G5092 τιμη Honour G2532 και And G3588 η The G1411 δυναμις Power G2962 κυριω To The Lord G3588 τω   G2316 θεω   G2257 ημων Our God :
  2 G3754 οτι For G228 αληθιναι True G2532 και And G1342 δικαιαι Righteous "are" G3588 αι   G2920 κρισεις   G846 αυτου His Judgments; G3754 οτι For G2919 (G5656) εκρινεν He Judged G3588 την The G4204 πορνην   G3588 την Harlot G3173 μεγαλην Great, G3748 ητις Who G5351 (G5707) εφθειρεν Corrupted G3588 την The G1093 γην Earth G1722 εν With G3588 τη   G4202 πορνεια   G846 αυτης Her Fornication, G2532 και And G1556 (G5656) εξεδικησεν He Did Avenge G3588 το The G129 αιμα   G3588 των Blood G1401 δουλων Bondmen G846 αυτου Of His G1537 εκ At G3588 της   G5495 χειρος   G846 αυτης Her Hand.
  3 G2532 και And G1208 δευτερον A Second Time G2046 (G5758) ειρηκαν They Said, G239 αλληλουια Hallelujah. G2532 και And G3588 ο   G2586 καπνος   G846 αυτης Her Smoke G305 (G5719) αναβαινει Goes Up G1519 εις To G3588 τους The G165 αιωνας Ages G3588 των Of The G165 αιωνων Ages.