John 3:14-17

  14 G2532 And G2531 as G3475 Moses G5312 lifted up [G5656]   G3789 the serpent G1722 in G2048 the wilderness G3779 , even so G1163 must [G5748]   G5207 the Son G444 of man G5312 be lifted up [G5683]  :
  15 G3363 That G3956 whosoever G4100 believeth [G5723]   G1519 in G846 him G622 should G3363 not G622 perish [G5643]   G235 , but G2192 have [G5725]   G166 eternal G2222 life.
  16 G1063 For G2316 God G3779 so G25 loved [G5656]   G2889 the world G5620 , that G1325 he gave [G5656]   G846 his G3439 only begotten G5207 Son G2443 , that G3956 whosoever G4100 believeth [G5723]   G1519 in G846 him G622 should G3361 not G622 perish [G5643]   G235 , but G2192 have [G5725]   G166 everlasting G2222 life.
  17 G1063 For G2316 God G649 sent [G5656]   G3756 not G846 his G5207 Son G1519 into G2889 the world G2443 to G2919 condemn [G5725]   G2889 the world G235 ; but G2443 that G2889 the world G1223 through G846 him G4982 might be saved [G5686]  .
  14 G2532 και And G2531 καθως Even As G3475 μωσης Moses G5312 (G5656) υψωσεν Lifted Up G3588 τον The G3789 οφιν Serpent G1722 εν In G3588 τη The G2048 ερημω Wilderness, G3779 ουτως Thus G5312 (G5683) υψωθηναι To Be Lifted Up G1163 (G5904) δει It Behooves G3588 τον The G5207 υιον   G3588 του Son G444 ανθρωπου Of Man,
  15 G2443 ινα That G3956 πας Everyone G3588 ο That G4100 (G5723) πιστευων Believes G1519 εις On G846 αυτον   G3361 μη Him G622 (G5643) αποληται May Not Perish, G235 αλλ But G2192 (G5725) εχη May Have G2222 ζωην Life G166 αιωνιον Eternal.
  16 G3779 ουτως   G1063 γαρ For So G25 (G5656) ηγαπησεν   G3588 ο Loved G2316 θεος God G3588 τον The G2889 κοσμον World G5620 ωστε   G3588 τον That G5207 υιον   G846 αυτου His Son G3588 τον The G3439 μονογενη Only Begotten G1325 (G5656) εδωκεν He Gave, G2443 ινα That G3956 πας Everyone G3588 ο Who G4100 (G5723) πιστευων Believes G1519 εις On G846 αυτον   G3361 μη Him G622 (G5643) αποληται May Not Perish, G235 αλλ But G2192 (G5725) εχη May Have G2222 ζωην Life G166 αιωνιον Eternal.
  17 G3756 ου   G1063 γαρ   G649 (G5656) απεστειλεν   G3588 ο For Sent Not G2316 θεος   G3588 τον God G5207 υιον   G846 αυτου His Son G1519 εις Into G3588 τον The G2889 κοσμον World G2443 ινα That G2919 (G5725) κρινη He Might Judge G3588 τον The G2889 κοσμον World, G235 αλλ But G2443 ινα That G4982 (G5686) σωθη Might Be Saved G3588 ο The G2889 κοσμος World G1223 δι Through G846 αυτου Him.