6 Similarly (or: Likewise), be repeatedly and habitually doing the work of a paraclete: calling the younger men alongside to give them relief or support, and to encourage them to be continuously sound in mind (sane; sensible) and to be keeping a wholesome attitude and way of thinking about everything –
7 [while] constantly holding yourself at [their] side, offering (tendering; presenting; exhibiting) yourself [as] a model (example; pattern; an impression) of beautiful actions (fine deeds and ideal works), [exhibiting] incorruptness (absence of spoil or ruin; incapability of decay) [and] seriousness (gravity; dignity) [p32 & other MSS add: freedom from envy; willingness] within the teaching:
8 [presenting] a healthful message (a sound word; a thought or idea full of and promoting health): one without down-oriented knowledge and not bringing a downward experience, thus being unworthy of – and not containing any – condemnation (or: uncensurable), so that the person in the contrary and opposing position (or: [acting] out of contrariness) can (may; would) be turned back within himself (or: be put to shame and be made to show reverence and regard), continuing having nothing slight or mean (cheap; paltry; ill; sorry; good-for-nothing; thoughtless) to be saying about us.
9 [Encourage] slaves to habitually place themselves in subjection (or: to be continually in humble alignment, supportively arranged under) their own owners (or: masters) in all things – to be constantly well-pleasing and satisfying, not repeatedly speaking contrarily or refuting (or: talking back), nor embezzling (secretly putting aside for oneself; pilfering),
10 but to the contrary, habitually displaying all good faith (every virtuous trust, faithfulness, confidence, loyalty and reliability), so that they can progressively set the teaching, which pertains to, and whose source and origin is, God, our Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness and our original state of being), into the System – in all things, within every area and among all people!
11 For God's saving grace (the salvation-imparting influence and boon of undeserved kindness, favor and goodwill whose source is God and which brings deliverance, rescue, restoration and health) has been fully set in clear Light for all mankind (or: was fully manifested to all humanity; has been made to completely appear in all people; or: has additionally shined within all humans) [other MSS: You see, the joyous favor of God: a Savior for (to; in) all mankind, has been fully displayed; or: So you see, the grace, which is God, was made to suddenly appear {as} a Savior for all humans],
12 progressively educating and training us so that, being people refusing (renouncing; denying; disowning; turning our backs on) the irreverence (lack of awe or pious fear; disrespect of and absence of duty to God) and over-desires (full-rushing passions) pertaining to the System (or: whose source is the world), we can (may; would) live sensibly (with clear-headed soundness of mind and wholesomeness of disposition and attitude) and equitably (fairly; justly; rightwisedly; relationally in a way which reflects the Way pointed out) and reverently (in devout goodness, awe and virtuous conduct, and with ease and well-being from relationship with God) within the current age (or: the present indefinite period of time, or eon),
13 being folks continuously receiving with welcoming focus, and granting access and admittance to, the happy expectation – even the full manifestation (the complete display in clear light) of the glory of our great God and Deliverer (or: Savior): Jesus Christ,
14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).
15 Be constantly speaking these things, and habitually performing as a paraclete (calling folks alongside to support, give relief and encourage them), even be continuously putting [folks; situations] to the proof so as to convince by demonstration – or to refute by exposure of the test – with every complete disposition and full arrangement (precise placing in aligned order; or: injunction). Let no one surround you with his intellect, mind-set, opinion or attitude (= don’t let anyone frame your way of thinking).