Romans 13:1-3

JMNT(i) 1 Every soul (or: = Everyone) is to be continuously placed and arranged, or aligned, in a supportive position by superior (or: excelling) authorities (or: must be subjected to rulers holding dominion and jurisdiction above [him]; [p46, D*, F, G read: To every superior authority you folks must subject yourselves]). For an authority does not exist except under God (or: For there is no authority, except by God), and the existing ones are those which have been arranged and set in order, under God (placed in their relative positions by God). 2 So that, the one constantly placing himself in opposition to the authority (or: the man resisting and posting an array as to battle against or to stand instead of the authority) has taken a stand against God's precise and complete arrangement (or: institution), and the ones having taken an opposing stand, and remaining in determined resistance, will progressively take to themselves (or: will continue receiving in themselves) a result of a decision (the effect that which [God] decides to do or to bring to pass; a judgment-effect; a result of separating for evaluation). 3 For the chief ones (those in first position; the headships; the princes; the rulers) are not a fear to (or: for) the good work (the virtuous and profitable action), but rather, for the worthless (the ugly; the base; the evil; the one of poor quality). Now are you not wanting to constantly fear and be wary of (or: So are you normally desiring to be unafraid of) the authority? Keep doing the good (the virtuous; the profitable), and you will have praise (applause; commendation) forth from it [i.e., the authority],