Revelation 11:11-18

JMNT(i) 11 Later, after the three and a half days, a spirit of Life (Life's breath-effect or a spirit which is life) from out of God entered within [other MSS: into] them and they stood upon their feet. And so (a) great fear fell upon the people continuing to be spectators of (or: watching) them. 12 Then they heard a great (or: loud) Voice from out of the atmosphere (or: sky; heaven), repeatedly saying to them, "You must climb up here (or: ascend to this place)." So they climbed up into the atmosphere (or: ascended into the sky and heaven) within the cloud, and their enemies watched (or: were spectators of) them. 13 And within that hour, a great shaking (or: earthquake) was birthed (or: came to be; occurred) and the tenth of The City fell (or: collapsed), and seven thousand names of humans (= people) were killed within the shaking (quake), and the remaining ones (= survivors) came to be terrified – and so they gave glory to the God of the heaven (or: atmosphere; sky). 14 The second woe departed (or: tragedy went away). Consider! The third woe is progressively coming swiftly. 15 Next the seventh agent sounded a trumpet, and great (or: loud) voices of themselves came to be (birthed themselves; occurred of themselves) within the sky (or: atmosphere; heaven), continuously saying, "The reign of the ordered System (of the world of religion, culture, government and economy; or: of the realm of the religious and secular) suddenly came to belong to our Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] and to the anointed of Him (or: The kingdom of the arranged system at once became our Lord’s and His Christ’s; The rule as king which pertains to the world, was birthed to be the possession of [Yahweh], as well as of His Anointed), and so He will continue reigning (ruling as King) on into the ages (or: indefinite time periods) of the ages [other MSS add: So it is (Amen)]." 16 Then the twenty-four elders (or: old people) – the people continuously sitting upon their thrones before (in the presence of) God – fell (or: at once fall) upon their faces and worshiped (or: do obeisance to; worship) God, 17 repeatedly saying, "We are continuously grateful (thankful) for You (or: we continuously give You thanks), Lord [= Yahweh] God, the One of All Strength (the Almighty, Omnipotent One), the One continuously existing (or: being), even the One Who was continuously existing (being), because You have taken – so that You have in Your hand – Your great power and ability, and You reign (rule as King)." 18 Now the multitudes (ethnic groups; nations) were made angry (raged; were, or are, made to internally swell; were aroused; were made impulsive) [Ps. 2:1], and Your inherent fervor (swelling arousal; impulse; wrath; anger; indignation; natural bent) came (or: comes), and the season (fitting situation; suitable circumstances; fertile moment) for the dead folks to be sifted, separated, evaluated, decided about and judged, and then to give the wages (or: reward) to Your slaves: to the prophets and to the set-apart people, and to the ones continuously fearing Your Name – to the small (or: = insignificant) ones and to the great ones – and then to at once thoroughly spoil (or: bring ruin throughout; cause decay through the midst; utterly destroy) the folks continuously corrupting (thoroughly spoiling, ruining, destroying and decaying) the Land (or: earth; soil).