11 And after .iii. dayes & an halfe, the sprete of lyfe from God, entred into them. And they stode vp vpon their fete, & greate feare came vpon them whych sawe them.
12 And they herde a greate voyce from heauen, sayinge vnto them. Come vp hyther. And they ascended vp into heauen in a cloude, & their enemyes sawe them.
13 And the same houre was ther a great erthquake, and the tenth parte of the cytye fell, and in the erthquake were slayne names of men seuen .M. and the remnaunt were feared, and gaue glory to the God of heauen.
14 The second woo is past, & beholde, the thyrde woo wyll come anone.
15 And the seuenth Angell blewe, & ther were made greate voyces in heauen, sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes, and his Christes, & he shall raygne for euermore.
16 And the .xxiiii. elders, whych syt before God on their seates, fell vpon their faces, & worshypped God,
17 sayinge: we geue the thankes O Lord God almyghtye: whych arte & wast, & arte to come, for thou haste receaued thy great myght, and hast raygned.
18 And the nacyons were angry, and thy wrath is come, & the tyme of the deed that they shuld be iudged and that thou shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the Prophetes and Saynctes, & to them that feare thy name small & great & shuldest destroye them, which destroye the erth.