1 If, then, [there exists] any calling-alongside to receive relief, aid, encouragement, consolation, comfort or supporting influence (or: any receiving of the work of a paraclete) within Christ or in union with [the] Anointing, if [there is] any spoken comfort and consolation of love (belonging to love; having a source in love; or: which is love), if any common being and existence (common participation; fellowship; partnership; communion; sharing) of Breath-effect (or: belonging to spirit; from the result of [the] Breath), if any tender emotions (literally: upper internal organs) and compassions (or: pities),
2 fill my joy full, so that you folks may be continually having the same frame of mind (may be mutually disposed; may have the same opinion; may mind the same thing), habitually holding (or: having) the same Love: folks joined together in soul (inner life of feelings, will, heart and mind), continuously minding The One (or: habitually holding one opinion; constantly thinking one thing; regularly disposed to one [purpose]; [other MSS: the same]) –
3 nothing down from (or: along the line of; corresponding to; or: descending to) party interests (hireling-like contention; faction; self-serving; or: from a motive of financial gain, or to enhance one's career) nor down from (or: along the line of; corresponding to; or: descending to) empty reputation (futile opinion; vainglory; fruitless appearance) – but rather, in humility (or: by an attitude of being in a low station; in humbleness of disposition and way of thinking) constantly considering one another (or: each other) [as] those habitually holding [a position] above yourselves (or: [as] being superior in regard to yourselves),