10 "Whenever you may (or: should) observe, watch over, guard and keep in view My implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives; interior purposes and destinies), you will continue remaining (abiding; dwelling) within the midst of, in union with, and centered in My love, correspondingly as (or: to the same level as) I, Myself, have watched over, observed, guarded and now keep My Father's directives implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives; interior purposes and destinies) and continuously remain (or: dwell) within the midst of His love.
11 "I have spoken these things to you to the end that My joy would (or: can; should) remain and continuously exist within the midst of you people, and that your joy may be filled full (or: fulfilled).
12 "This is My implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive; interior purpose and destiny): that you keep on loving and accepting one another – correspondingly as (to the same degree as; in the same sphere as) I love and accept you folks.