21 "Not everyone constantly saying to Me, 'O Lord! Lord!' will proceed to be entering into the reign (or: sovereign rule; kingdom; realm of action and rule) of the heavens (or: which has the character of, and emanates from, the atmospheres) but rather, the one habitually performing the result or progressively producing the effect of the will, intent and purpose of My Father – the One within and in union with the heavens, and in the midst of the atmospheres – [will proceed entering].
22 "Within (or: On) That Day many will repeatedly say to Me, 'Lord! O Lord! do (or: did) we not prophesy in (or: by) Your Name? And do (or: did) we not cast out demons (Hellenistic concept and term: = animistic influences) in (or: by) Your Name? And do (or: did) we not perform many works of power and ability in (or: by) Your Name?
23 "And at that time I will repeatedly confess assuredly to them, 'I never came to know or became acquainted with you folks (or: I not even once had intimate, experiential knowledge of you). Those people habitually working (performing; or: making a trade of; making a living in) the lawlessness are now to go off to a space (or: territory) away, and proceed in giving way to Me and making room for Me.' [Ps. 6:9]
24 "Everyone, then, who continues obediently hearing these words (thoughts; ideas; messages) of Mine, and habitually does them (or: acts on them), will progressively be made to be and to become like an intelligent, considerate, thoughtful, prudent and sensible adult male, who builds (or: built) his house upon the rock-mass.
25 "And when the rain descended (or: falls) and the rivers came (or: come) [flooding] and the winds blew (or: blow) and lunged (or: fall toward; lash against) that house, it did (or: does) not fall, for it had been provided with a foundation and continued being established upon the rock-mass.
26 "And by contrast, everyone who continues hearing the words (thoughts; ideas; messages) of Mine and yet is not continuing in doing them (or: acting on them) will progressively be made to be and to become like a stupid, senseless adult male (= an ignorant and careless builder) who built (or: builds) his house upon the sand.