Matthew 27:3-7

JMNT(i) 3 At that time, upon seeing that He was correspondingly judged against (or: condemned), Judah (or: Judas) the person turning Him in – after changing his judgment and concern on the matter so as to be regretting and caring differently, returned the thirty silver [coins] (or: pieces of silver) to the chief (ranking) priests and elders, 4 while saying, "I made a mistake (erred; failed to hit the target; sinned; fail to attain the goal) in giving over just and innocent (rightwised and equitable) blood." But those men said, "What [does this mean] to us? You, yourself, will proceed seeing!" 5 And so, upon hurling the silver [coins; pieces] into the inner Temple (shrine; = the holy place) he withdrew, and then going off, he strangled himself (or: choked himself off; or: hugged and compressed himself away [as in grief]; perhaps: hanged himself). 6 Now the chief (ranking) priests, upon taking in hand the silver [coins], said, "It is not allowed by custom or Law to throw them into the temple treasury (the gift receptacle; the corban), since it is the price of blood." 7 After consulting together, they bought with them the Field of the Potter to serve as a burial ground for the strangers and foreigners (= non-local folks).