10 "And so, upon going out into the streets and alleys, the paths and roads, those slaves gathered and led together all whom they found – both worthless (or: wicked; bad; of poor character) folks and good (virtuous) ones – and so the wedding hall was filled with folks presently reclining [at the tables].
11 "Now, upon entering to view and watch those engaged in reclining [at the tables], the king noticed a person there who had not put on wedding apparel (= not dressed appropriate for a wedding feast),
12 "And so he then says to him, 'My good sir (or: Friend; Comrade; Dear fellow), how are you entered here having no wedding apparel (= how is it that you came into this place without dressing appropriately for a marriage feast)?' But the man was muzzled (= silent, speechless; [note: this word was also used to mean "silenced by a spell"]).
13 "At that point, the king said to the servants, 'Upon binding his feet and hands, you men throw him out into the darkness (dim obscurity) which is farther outside. In that place there will continue being the weeping (or: lamenting) and the grinding of the teeth.' [comment: compare the binding of feet in Hos. 11:1-4, LXX:
1. Because Israel [is] a young child, I Myself also love him, and I once called his children together from out of Egypt.
2. The more I called them [to Me], the more they distanced themselves and kept away from My face (or: immediate presence). They sacrificed to the Baals, and then burned incense to the carved and chiseled images (= idols).
3. And so I, Myself tied the feet of Ephraim together (i.e., restrained him; = hobbled him to keep him from wandering) [then] I took him up upon My arm – and yet they did not realize (or: know) that I had healed them.
4. In the thorough ruin and destruction of humans I stretch out to them and lay [My hand] on them in binding ties (or: bonds) of My love. And so I will be to them as a person slapping (or: striking) [someone] on his cheek, then I will look upon him (= either: keep an eye on him; or: give respect to him). I will prevail with him and then give ability and power to him.] 14 "Now you see, many folks continue existing being called and invited ones, yet a few people [are also] chosen ones (selected and picked out folks)!" [comment: notice the ironic inversion of this closing statement of the parable: here there were two sorts of people that were invited, the first group, then the second – which actually came to the feast; in this story, the one that was picked out (chosen and focused on) was also kicked out]
1. Because Israel [is] a young child, I Myself also love him, and I once called his children together from out of Egypt.
2. The more I called them [to Me], the more they distanced themselves and kept away from My face (or: immediate presence). They sacrificed to the Baals, and then burned incense to the carved and chiseled images (= idols).
3. And so I, Myself tied the feet of Ephraim together (i.e., restrained him; = hobbled him to keep him from wandering) [then] I took him up upon My arm – and yet they did not realize (or: know) that I had healed them.
4. In the thorough ruin and destruction of humans I stretch out to them and lay [My hand] on them in binding ties (or: bonds) of My love. And so I will be to them as a person slapping (or: striking) [someone] on his cheek, then I will look upon him (= either: keep an eye on him; or: give respect to him). I will prevail with him and then give ability and power to him.] 14 "Now you see, many folks continue existing being called and invited ones, yet a few people [are also] chosen ones (selected and picked out folks)!" [comment: notice the ironic inversion of this closing statement of the parable: here there were two sorts of people that were invited, the first group, then the second – which actually came to the feast; in this story, the one that was picked out (chosen and focused on) was also kicked out]