47 Amidst His still speaking, look, a crowd! – and the man being normally called Judah (or: Judas), one of the twelve, was progressively coming before them. And then he drew near to Jesus to kiss Him.
48 So Jesus said to him, "Judah (or: Judas), are you now in the process of turning in (or: giving over) the Son of the Man (the Human Being; = the expected Messiah) with (by) a kiss?"
49 But upon seeing the [situation] that was going to exist (or: perceiving what was going to happen), the men around Him said, "Lord (or: Master), shall we strike with (i.e., in [the use of]) a sword?"
50 And then a certain one of them struck the slave of the chief priest, and took off (amputated) his right ear.
51 Yet Jesus, making a decided response, said, "You folks continue allowing [them] – even as far as this!" And then, handling the ear so as to modify and kindle [it], He healed him.
52 So then Jesus said to the folks arriving upon Him and at His side – chief (or: ranking) priests and officers of the Temple, as well as elders, "Do you come out with swords and clubs and staffs, as upon a robber?
53 "During My being with you folks daily, within the Temple courts (or: grounds), you did not stretch out [your] hands upon Me. But now, this is your hour, and the privilege of the darkness (or: even the authority of the gloomy realm of shadow and dim obscurity)." [comment: this second rendering equates the darkness to this adverse group]