Luke 16:26-29

JMNT(i) 26 "'Furthermore, in the midst of all these things [and conditions] a great, yawning chasm (or: gaping opening) has been set firmly in position and is now established between us and you people, so that folks presently wanting or intending to step through from here toward you people would continue being unable [to do so] – neither could folks pass over from there toward us.' 27 "So he said, 'Then I am begging you, father (or: O father, in that case I now ask you), that you would send him into the house (or: household) of my father – 28 "'you see, I continue having five brothers – so that he can progressively bring a thorough witness (testimony; or: show complete evidence) to them, to the end that they would not also come into this place of painful examination and testing (or: of the application of the touchstone, which tests our composition).' [Note: the touchstone (lapis Lydius) was applied to metals to determine the amount of alloy which was mixed in, and thus e.g. with a gold object, is a test to indicate the amount of pure gold in the piece. The process became a figure of the pain and discomfort of a person sick with palsy (Matt.8:60); of the difficulties and pressures in maneuvering against a strong wind and high waves (Matt. 14:24); of the hard work of rowing in a storm (Mark 6:48); of how Lot was distressed by lawless acts (2 Pet. 2:7-8); and of the pain of childbirth (Rev. 12:2) – all of which can be construed as "tests" given by God. The flame in the context of this parable calls to mind the fire of the "refiner and purifier of silver" and the purging of the gold by Yahweh (Mal. 3:3) in His dealing with the Levites. It is also interesting to note that "purple fabric and fine linen" were used as part of the vestments of the priests (Ex. 39), as well as by the rich.] 29 "But Abraham proceeds to say, 'They continue having Moses and the Prophets – let them at once listen to and hear from them.'