John 3:29-36

JMNT(i) 29 "The One continually holding (or: constantly having) the bride is (exists being) a Bridegroom (or: [the] Bridegroom). Yet the friend of the Bridegroom – the man having taken a stand, and continuing standing, and continuously listening and hearing from Him in joy – is constantly rejoicing because of the Bridegroom’s voice! This joy – the one [that is] mine – has therefore been fulfilled (or: This, then, my joy, has been made full). 30 "It is necessary and binding for That One to be progressively growing and increasing, yet for me to be progressively less (or: continually made inferior). 31 "The One repeatedly coming back again from above (or: habitually going again to a higher place) is above upon all people (or: constantly exists being up over upon all things). The person continuously being forth from out of the earth [as a source] is (or: constantly exists being) from out of the earth, and is habitually speaking forth from out of the earth. The One continuously coming (or: habitually going; repeatedly coming and progressively going) forth from out of the midst of the heaven (or: the atmosphere) is, and constantly exists being, above upon all people (or: up over upon all things). 32 "What He has seen and hears (or: heard), to this He continuously bears witness (or: is repeatedly testifying and giving evidence), and yet no one is presently grasping (or: habitually takes in hand; continues receiving) His witness (or: testimony; evidence). 33 "The one receiving (grasping; taking in hand; getting hold of) His witness (or: testimony; evidence) certifies – by setting a seal (= giving attestation) – that God is true (real; genuine; truthful), 34 "for He Whom God sends forth with a mission (dispatches as an Emissary and Representative) habitually is speaking the gush-effects from God (the results of the flows of God; God's declarations or sayings), for God is habitually (or: continuously) giving the Spirit (Breath; or: Attitude) [and] not from out of a measure (= not by a measured portion or limit; = without measure and without limitation). 35 "The Father continuously loves the Son, and He has given all humanity (or, as a neuter: all things) [to Him] so that He has it (or: them) as a gift within His hand. 36 "The one habitually trusting (or: continuously going on confidently believing with loyalty) into the Son is now constantly holding and progressively having eonian life (life having the characteristics and qualities of the sphere of the Age; life of and for the ages; eon-lasting life; life whose source is the Age [of Messiah]). Yet the person now continuing being unpersuaded by the Son (or: presently being constantly incompliant, disobedient or disbelieving to the Son; being repeatedly stubborn toward the Son) will not be catching sight of (seeing; observing; perceiving) [this] life. To the contrary, God’s inherent fervor (teeming passion and swelling desire; mental bent and natural impulse; propensity and disposition; or: anger, wrath and indignation) is continuously remaining (is now habitually dwelling and abiding) upon him." [note: vss. 31-36 may be narrative by the author, John, and not continued sayings of the Baptist]