Hebrews 13:20-21

JMNT(i) 20 Now may the God who is Peace (or: who is the origin of and has the character and qualities of harmony [= shalom]), the One at one point leading our Lord (Master; Owner) – Jesus, the Shepherd of the sheep, the Great One – back up again out from the midst of dead folks, 21 at once render you folks thoroughly equipped (fitted; adapted) in the midst of all good and in every virtue, immersed in, and in union with, the blood of a thorough arrangement (or: a covenant; a deposit which moves throughout in every direction; a placing through the midst; or: a will and testament) pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age (or: an eonian – through the ages – settlement), in order to at once do (produce; perform) His will (the effect of His intent and purpose; the result of His design and pleasure) – progressively creating (doing; forming; producing) within you folks and in union with you people [other MSS: in us] the well-pleasing and satisfying [result] in His presence and sight, through Jesus Christ, in Whom (and: for Whom, by Whom, and to Whom) [is] the glory (the reputation and the manifestation which calls forth praise) on into the ages of the ages. It is so (Count on it; Amen)!