18 Now you see, you folks have not approached to (or: come toward so as to be now arrived at) something tangible (or: [D and later MSS read: a mountain] being habitually handled or normally touched), and something burning (or: having been burned by fire), and to a thick, dark storm-cloud, and to murky, gloomy darkness (or: the realm of nether gloom; the dark, shadowy quarter of dimness and obscurity), and to a whirlwind (tempest; hurricane),
19 and to a blare of a trumpet, and to a sound of gush-effects (or: a sound of the results of a flow; or: a voice of spoken words; a sound of declarations) – of which those hearing [it] asked to the side that there be no word added for them (or: of which, the folks listening refused and begged for release, to [the result that] no message be put toward them).
20 For they were not bearing (or: = carrying [through with]) that [which was] being presently distinguished (set and arranged throughout as strict orders): "And if a little animal may touch (come in contact with) the mountain it shall be repeatedly pelted with stones (or: stoned)." [Ex. 19:12-13]
21 And so fearful was the thing being seen, Moses said, "I am terrified (out of myself with fear) and trembling within." [Deut. 9:19]
22 But to the contrary, you folks have approached so that you are now at Mount Zion – even in a city of a continuously living God; in "Jerusalem upon heaven" (or: in a Jerusalem pertaining to and having the character and qualities of a superior, or added, heaven and atmosphere; or: in Jerusalem [situated] upon, and comparable to, the atmosphere) – also among ten-thousands (or: myriads) of agents and messengers (people with a/the message):
23 [that is] in (or: to) an assembly of an entire people (or: an assembly of all; a universal convocation) and in (or: to) a summoning forth (or: a called-out and gathered community) of firstborn folks having been copied (from-written, as from a pattern; or: enrolled; registered) within [the; or: various] atmospheres (or: heavens), and in (or: to; with) God, a Judge (an Evaluator and Decider) of all mankind, even among (or: to; with) spirits of just folks (or: breath-effects from those who are fair and equitable and in right relationship within the Way pointed out) having been brought to the destined goal (perfected; finished; matured; made complete),
24 and in (or: to) Jesus, a Medium (or: an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of a new and fresh (young; recently-born) arrangement (covenant; settlement; a deposit which moves throughout in every direction; a placing through the midst; a will and testament), and to and in blood of sprinkling, and to One continuously speaking something superior to (or: stronger and better than) Abel.