25 not repeatedly abandoning (leaving down within; leaving helpless) the leading of ourselves together upon [someone or some occasion] (or: the added gathering together of ourselves), according to a custom for (or: by; among) certain folks, but rather and to the contrary, continuously calling [them] to the side for aid, relief and encouragement (or: to receive the service of a paraclete), even to so much greater a frequency, for, as much as you folks are presently seeing (continuously looking at and observing), the Day progressively drawing near!
26 For you see, [at] our deliberately (voluntarily; willfully from one's being) making mistakes (entering into error; failing; shooting off-target; sinning) as a habitual way of life, after taking hold of (or: receiving; obtaining) the full, experiential knowledge and insight of the Truth and Reality, there is no longer a sacrifice concerned with sins (failures; etc.) repeatedly (or: continuously) left behind [D* reads: left around; = available for us], [comment: the sacrificial system of the old covenant no longer exists for a believer]
27 but instead, [there is] a certain fearful taking (or: receiving) in hand from out of a separation for a decision, leading to a judging, and a zeal of Fire being about to be continuously and progressively eating (or: consuming) the hostile folks (the ones under the circumstance of being in an opposing position). [comment: see ch. 6:4-8; both there and here, correction is a necessary]
28 Someone displacing (setting aside; violating) a custom of Moses (or: Moses' Law) dies, apart from compassions, upon [evidence or testimony of] two or three witnesses.
29 By how much worse punishment (= heavier the sentence) do you suppose he will be thought worthy and counted deserving: the one trampling down the Son of God, and considering the blood of the arrangement (or: covenant) common (= profane) – within which he was set-apart (made sacred and holy) – even insulting the Breath-effect of joyous favor (or: Spirit of Grace)?
30 For we have perceived, and thus know, the One saying, "Execution of right in fairness out of the Way pointed out [is] by Me. I will continue giving back (repay) in its place," says the Lord [= Yahweh], and again, "The Lord [= Yahweh] will continue separating and making a decision about (or: judging) His people." [Ex. 32:35-36] [comment: this paragraph, and its judgments, pertains to God's people]
31 [It is] fearful (a fear-inspiring [experience]) to suddenly fall-in – into hands of a continuously living God!
32 Yet be remembering the first (or: former) days in which, being enlightened (illuminated), you at one point remained under (patiently endured while giving support in) a great conflict (contest or athletic combat) of the effects of sense-experiences (results of emotions, passions, sufferings and things that happened to you),
33 partly both by reproaches and by pressures; partly being birthed (coming to be) folks of common being and existence (partners; participants; sharers) of those thus conducting themselves (turning themselves step-by-step), being constantly exposed and gazed upon as a public spectacle, as in a theater.
34 For you even feel with (experience with; sympathize with) those bound or in prison [other MSS: with me in my bonds], and you at one point received to yourselves (accepted) the seizure (plunder; confiscation) of your possessions (properties; things having their origin below) with gracious joy, knowing and realizing to have for yourselves a superior (stronger and better) and continuously remaining (or: dwelling; or: abiding; = permanent and lasting) possession (or: property) [later MSS add: within the heavens (or: atmospheres)].
35 Therefore may you not cast away your freedom and openness in speaking (boldness and confidence which comes from being a citizen) which continuously has a great discharge of wages.
36 For you continuously have need (necessity of the use) of persistent patient endurance (steadfast remaining under for support), so that doing (or: performing) the will (intent; purpose) of God you may carry away for yourselves – in order to provide and care for – the Promise.
37 For you see, "Yet a very, very little while, [and] the One repeatedly coming will by habit be arriving, and He will not be late (or: continue delaying or taking time).