25 Wherefore, upon at once putting the false (or: the Lie) away from yourselves [as clothing or habits], be continuously speaking Truth and reality, each one with his associate (the one near him; his neighbor), because we are (we continually exist being) members [as of a body] of one another (or: limbs or body parts belonging to one another and having our source in each other).
26 Be habitually aroused by the internal pulse of life (or: Be constantly impulsive in reaction to your natural disposition and character; or: Continue indignant or even angry), yet be not continuously missing the target (making mistakes; sinning; failing; erring). Do not let sun be repeatedly setting upon your angry mood (exasperation; irritation; embittered anger; vexation; provocation),
27 neither be constantly supplying or giving a place or position (or: so don't go on allowing opportunity or a chance) for (or: to) the one who thrusts things through [folks] (the slanderer; the adversary; the accuser; the devil; or: that which casts [harm] through the midst of folks).
28 Let the person habitually stealing no longer continue stealing, but rather let him be normally spent with labor, constantly working (performing; doing the business of) the good (the profitable; the virtuous; quality) by his own hands, to the end that he can continuously have (or: possess) [something] [in order] to repeatedly share with the one constantly having a need.
29 Do not continue allowing every rotten word (or: putrefied idea; bad quality message) to be proceeding (or: issuing) out of your mouth, but rather if anything [is] good (profitable; virtuous; [having] quality), [speak it] toward house-construction (building [up]; edification) which pertains to the need, to the end that it may impart (or: give) grace and favor to those listening and hearing.