15 Furthermore, let the peace [= shalom] of the Christ (belonging to and originating in the [Messiah]; the harmony which is the Anointing [other MSS: God]) continuously umpire (act as a judge in the games) within your hearts (= in union with the core of your being) – into which [peace] you folks are called (were called; were invited), within one body. And progressively come to be thankful people (or: continue becoming folks expressing gratitude for the goodness, ease and well-being that comes in grace; be habitually graceful folks).
16 Let Christ's Word (or: the Logos, which is the Christ; the Idea which is the Anointing; or: the message of and from the Christ [other MSS: of God; of {the} Lord]) be continuously making its home within you folks (or: progressively indwelling – centered in and in union with you) richly, within the midst of and in union with all wisdom, habitually teaching [it] and placing [it] in the minds of yourselves by psalms, in hymns, by spiritual songs and odes, within grace and amidst favor constantly singing within your hearts to God (or: habitually singing to God [other MSS: to {the} Lord], in union with the grace resident within your hearts {= the core of your being}).
17 And everything – whatsoever you may be habitually doing, in word or in action (within a thought or message, or within a work or deed) – [do] everything (all; all things) within and in union with [the] Name of [the] Lord, Jesus [other MSS: of Jesus Christ; others: of {the} Lord, Jesus Christ], constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude) to Father God (or: in union with God, [the] Father) through Him.