Colossians 3:15 Cross References - JMNT

15 Furthermore, let the peace [= shalom] of the Christ (belonging to and originating in the [Messiah]; the harmony which is the Anointing [other MSS: God]) continuously umpire (act as a judge in the games) within your hearts (= in union with the core of your being) – into which [peace] you folks are called (were called; were invited), within one body. And progressively come to be thankful people (or: continue becoming folks expressing gratitude for the goodness, ease and well-being that comes in grace; be habitually graceful folks).

Luke 17:16-18

16 and then fell upon [his] face beside His feet, repeatedly giving thanks to Him – not only that, this same man was a Samaritan. 17 Now giving a discerning response [to the crowd], Jesus said, "Were (or: Are) not the ten men cleansed? So where [are] the nine? 18 "Were none found returning to give glory to God, except this foreigner (person of another birth, race or nation)?"

John 14:27

27 "I am continuously sending off (releasing away; hurling off) peace to (or: for; by; in; with) you people. My peace I am constantly giving to you (or: in, by, for you folks). I Myself am not giving [it] to you the way (or: according as) the System (the world of religion, politics and culture) continually gives [it]. Do not let your heart be constantly shaken, disturbed or agitated, neither let it be habitually timid (shrinking, as with palpitations; responding cowardly). [compare Deut. 31:8; Josh. 1:9]

John 16:33

33 "I have spoken these things to you so that you may continuously have (hold; possess) peace centered in, within the midst of and in union with Me. Within the System (controlling world of culture, religion, economy and government) you normally have pressure and stress (or: continually have squeezing; repeatedly have tribulation and oppression), but nonetheless, be confident and take courage! I Myself have overcome and conquered the System (dominating world; organized arrangement of religion and society) so that it stands a completed victory!"

Romans 1:21

21 simply because, although at one point experientially knowing God with insight, they did (or: do) not glorify (imagine; esteem; suppose; fancy; conjecture about; hold an opinion of; repute) [Him] as God, or even thank [Him] (or: give thanks in joyously expressing the goodness and well-being inherent in [His] grace and favor). And so in contrast, they were made futile (vain; fruitless; without profit; empty; useless; worthless; subject to a process of meaningless frustration; subject to exercises in futility) in their reasonings (or: thought processes; dialogues; ideas that went throughout in every direction), and their [collective] unintelligent (stupid; unable-to-put-things-together) heart was darkened (= the core of their being was made to experience an absence of light in a dim, shadowy gloom of obscurity [= ignorance]).

Romans 5:1

1 Being, then, folks that were rightwised (placed in the right relationship of [covenantal] solidarity in the Way pointed out and made fair, equitable, just, free from guilt and turned in the right direction) from the midst of faith, out of trust and with conviction as the source, we continuously hold and progressively have [other MSS: let us (or: we can) habitually retain and enjoy] peace and harmony face to face with God (or: [directing and conducting us] toward God), through our Owner and Lord, Jesus Christ (or: Master, [the] Anointed Jesus),

Romans 14:17

17 for you see, God's kingdom (or: the reign-and-rule which is God; the expression, influence and activity of God’s sovereignty) is not (or: does not exist being) solid food and drink, but rather, fair and equitable dealing which brings justice and right relationship in the Way pointed out (being turned in the right direction; rightwisedness; also = covenant inclusion and participation), peace (and: harmony; = shalom) and joy (or: happiness; rejoicing) within set-apart Breath-effect (or: a dedicated spirit and sacred attitude; or: in [the] Holy Spirit).

Romans 15:13

13 Now may the God of Expectation (or: the God Who is the Expectant Hope) make you full of all joy and peace within the midst of constant trust and in union with continual operation of faith and believing, [leading] into the midst of continually surrounding you with abundance within The Expectation (or: in union with expectant hope) – within [the] power of a set-apart spirit (or: within [the] Holy Spirit's ability; or: in union with a power which is, and whose source is, set-apart Breath-effect and sacred attitude).

1 Corinthians 7:15

15 So if the unbelieving (or: faith-lacking; trust-void) one proceeds to be separating (disuniting so as to be apart), let this one continue separating and departing: the brother or the sister has not been nor is now enslaved (has not been bound in servitude nor is held as a slave) within such situations – for God has given you [other MSS: us] a permanent call within the midst of and in union with peace and harmony [= shalom].

2 Corinthians 4:15

15 for you see, all things [are] (the whole – everything – [is]) because of you folks, to the end that the grace (the boon and influence of gracious favor, joy, kindness and goodwill) – increasing and becoming more than enough through the greater part (the majority) of the people – can (should; would) cause the benefits of grace (or: the wellness of grace; or: the attitude of gratitude; or: the expression of thanksgiving) to be surrounding in superabundance, [leading] into God's glory (or: [proceeding] into the praise-inducing manifestation of God)!

2 Corinthians 5:19-21

19 as that God was existing within Christ (God was and continued being in union with [the] Anointed One) progressively and completely transforming [the] aggregate of humanity (or: world) to be other [than it is] (or: progressively bringing [the] ordered System into another level or state; repeatedly changing [the] universe to correspond with other [conditions; perceptions]; progressively altering [the] ordered arrangement of culture, religions, economy and government to be in line with another one; habitually and progressively changing [the] secular realm [of humanity] from enmity to friendship; reconciling [the] world [of mankind]) in Himself, to Himself, for Himself and by Himself, not accounting to them (not putting to their account; not logically considering for them; not reasoning in them) the results and effects of their falls to the side (their trespasses and offences), even placing within us the Word (the Idea; the Reason; the message) of the corresponding transformation to otherness (or: the full alteration; the change from enmity to friendship; the conciliation). 20 Over [the situation] in regard to Christ, then (or: Then for Christ's sake), we are elders of God, performing as ambassadors from God, as [Him] continually calling alongside to give comfort and relief (performing as a Paraclete) through us. We are constantly begging and urgently asking, on behalf of Christ (or: for Christ's sake): "Be fully transformed in, be correspondingly altered by, be changed from an enemy to be a friend with, be reconciled to, and be altered to be another [person] by, God!" (or: "You folks must be completely exchanged in God; or: Be conciliated to, for and with God!"), 21 for you see, He made (or: formed; makes) the One not at any point knowing failure (sin; error; mistake) by intimate experience [to take the place of; to be] failure over us and our [situation] (or: He constructed [as] a sin [offering], for our sake, the Person who was not at that point having an experiential knowledge of missing the target or making a mistake), to the end that we may be birthed (come into existence being; come to be) God's rightwised qualities (God's right relationship with fair and equitable dealing which accords to the Way pointed out; God's justice; God's way it should be, with well-ordered living and right thinking; also: = participants in a covenant from God), within Him and in union with Him.

2 Corinthians 9:11

11 being progressively enriched unto abundance within every person (or: in everything) [leading] into complete singleness [of purpose] and simplicity [of being] for all generosity (liberality), which constantly produces (works down; accomplishes) thanksgiving to God through our midst [or, with B: which repeatedly works in accord with God's ease of grace, instilling gratitude through the midst of us],

Ephesians 2:12-18

12 that (or: because) you were, and continued on being for that season (or: in that appointed situation), apart from Christ ([the] Anointed One; = [the] Messiah): people having been alienated from the state of being a citizen (or: estranged from citizenship in the commonwealth) of Israel and [being] strangers pertaining to the arrangements of (or: foreigners from covenants and testamentary dispositions whose origin is) The Promise (or the assurance), continually having no expectation (or: hope), and [were] folks without God (or: godless; atheists) within the ordered System (world of culture, religion and governments). 13 But now, within, in union with and centered in Christ Jesus, you the folks once being (continuously existing) far off (or: at a distance) came to be (were birthed; are generated; are suddenly become) near, immersed within and in union with the blood of the Christ (the Anointed One). 14 You see, He Himself is our Peace (or: continuously exists being our harmony [= Shalom]) the One making (forming; constructing) The Both [to be] one, and within His flesh (= physical being; or: = system-caused crucifixion) is instantly destroying (unbinding; unfastening; loosing; causing to collapse) the middle wall of the fenced enclosure (or: the partition or barrier wall): the enmity (cause of hate, alienation, discord and hostility; characteristics of an enemy), 15 rendering useless (nullifying; rendering down in accord with inactivity and unemployment) the Law (or: the custom; = the Torah) of the implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) consisting in decrees (or: prescribed ordinances), to the end that He may frame (create; found and settle from a state of wildness and disorder) The Two into One New [p46 & others: common] Humanity within the midst of, and in union with, Himself, continuously making (progressively creating) Peace and Harmony (= shalom); 16 and then should fully transfer from a certain state to another which is quite different (or: make completely other while moving away from what existed; or: fully reconcile) The Both within One Body with, by, in, to and for God through the cross (execution stake) within Himself killing the enmity (or: discordant hatred; characteristics of an enemy). 17 And so upon coming, He brings goodness and proclaims as good news (or: as a message of ease and wellbeing), Peace (harmony; lack of discord; [= shalom]) to you, the folks far off, and Peace (harmony; = shalom) to the people nearby, 18 that (or: because) through Him we, The Both, continuously have (hold and possess) the procurement of access (conduct toward the presence; admission, being led), within one Spirit (or: in union with one Breath-effect and Attitude), to (or: toward; face to face with) the Father.

Ephesians 4:4

4 [being] one body and one spirit (attitude and effect of the Breath), according as you folks were (or: are) also called within the midst of one expectation (or: in union with one expectant hope) of your calling (or: invitation),

Ephesians 4:16

16 from out of Whom (or: out from the midst of Which) all the Body (or: the entire body) being continuously fitted and framed together (made a common joint by a word; laid out and closely joined together) and constantly being knit together and caused to mount up united through every fastening (or: joint) of the supply of rich furnishings (or: through every assimilation of the full supply of funds; through every touch {kindling; setting on fire} of the completely supplied requirements) in accord with (or: down from; commensurate to) the operation (operative, effectual energy) within [the] measure of each one part [other MSS: member], is itself continually making (or: is for itself progressively producing and forming) the growth and increase of the Body, [focused on and leading] into house-construction (or: unto building [up] and edification) of itself within the midst of, and in union with, love.

Ephesians 5:1

1 Keep on becoming (or: Progressively come to be), then, imitators (those made exactly alike so as to portray, express and represent by means of imitation) of God, as beloved (or: like loveable) children,

Ephesians 5:20

20 constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude; or: speaking of the well-being that is in grace and favor) to God, even [the] Father [p46 & others: to the Father, even God] at all times (or: always; = on all occasions) concerning all things (or: for everything; or: over all mankind), within the midst of and in union with the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ [= the Messiah],

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Do not be habitually worried, anxious or overly concerned about anything! On the contrary, in everything (and: within every situation), by thinking and speaking toward having goodness and having things go well and with ease (or: in prayer) and in expression of need – together with thanksgiving – repeatedly let your requests be made known to (toward; face to face with) God, 7 and God's peace (= shalom; or: and so the harmony which is God), which is continuously having a hold over (is habitually holding sway over; or: is constantly being superior and excelling by having it over) all mind and inner sense (or: every intellect; all power of comprehension; or: all process of thinking), will continue garrisoning (guarding; standing sentinel over) your hearts and the results of thinking (thoughts; reasonings; understandings; effects from directing the mind on something; or: dispositions; designs; purposes; effects of perceptions; [p16 adds: and bodies]), within, and in union with, Christ Jesus [p46: {the} Lord Jesus].

Colossians 1:12

12 [We are folks who are] constantly giving thanks to the Father: the One calling you [other MSS: us] – as well as making [you; us] competent (sufficient; qualified; fit; suitable) – into the divided share of the lot of the inheritance (or: into the part and portion of the allotted possession) of the set-apart folks (or: pertaining to the holy ones; belonging to the saints; from the sacred people; which is the different-from-the-ordinary folks) within the Light;

Colossians 2:7

7 being people having been rooted (or: having been caused to take root) – even ones being constantly and progressively built upon The House (i.e., added to the structure) – within Him; also being folks repeatedly made steadfast and progressively stabilized with good footing within the faith (or: confirmed by the conviction; made secure for trust and loyalty), just as you are taught (or: were instructed), continuously superabounding (being surrounded by more than enough) within it – within gratitude and thanksgiving (or: in an expression of the ease and goodness of grace, as well as the well-being of favor).

Colossians 3:17

17 And everything – whatsoever you may be habitually doing, in word or in action (within a thought or message, or within a work or deed) – [do] everything (all; all things) within and in union with [the] Name of [the] Lord, Jesus [other MSS: of Jesus Christ; others: of {the} Lord, Jesus Christ], constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude) to Father God (or: in union with God, [the] Father) through Him.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

18 Within the midst of everything, be continuously giving thanks (or: In union with all people, be habitually expressing the goodness of grace and the well-being from favor), for this is God's intent (will, purpose) unto you in Christ Jesus (or: [proceeding] into the midst of you folks, in union with [the] Anointed Jesus).

1 Timothy 2:1

1 Consequently I am habitually calling you alongside to encourage, counsel and exhort you to first of all be constantly making petitions for needs, prayers (speaking, thinking and doing toward things being well), encounters (or: intercessions; meetings within situations to converse or hit and obtain the objective), [and] expressions of gratitude (or: of the goodness of grace and favor) over (or: on behalf of; for) all mankind (humanity) –

Hebrews 13:15

15 Through Him, then, we may and should repeatedly (or: continuously) offer up a sacrifice of praise in God (by God; to God; for God; with God) through all things (or: through the midst of all [situations]) – that is, a fruit of lips continuously saying the same things (or: speaking alike) in His Name (by His Name; confessing to His Name; for the Name which is Him; or: = a product of speech which acknowledges His character, authority and identity). [comment: here we see a life "in spirit and truth" referred to by Jesus in John 4:23-24]

Revelation 7:12

12 "It is so (Amen)! The blessing (or: The word of goodness), the glory (reputation), the wisdom, the gratitude (thanksgiving), the honor (the value; the pricing), the power (the ability), and the strength [is] in (by; for; with) our God, on into the ages (eons) of the ages! So it is (Amen)!"

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.