Acts 3:15-16

JMNT(i) 15 "So you folks killed-off the Inaugurator of the Life (or: Life's Originator; the Author, Founder, Leader, Prince and Initiator of the Life) – Whom God raised up out from among the midst of dead folks, of which and of Whom we ourselves are witnesses, and continue being both evidence and testimony. 16 "Consequently, by the faith (and: in the trust; with the loyalty and reliability) of (or: which has its source in) His Name, His Name at once made this person firm, solid and stable – whom you now continue watching and gazing at, and have seen so thus know – and the faith, trust, loyalty and faithfulness that [is] through and by means of Him both gave and gives to him the entire allotment of whole and complete soundness... in front of you all!