Acts 19:2-4

JMNT(i) 2 "Since trusting, believing and being loyal, did you folks receive [the] Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; or: a holy spirit and attitude)?" Yet these [said] to him, "To the contrary, we have not even heard if there is (or: exists) a Set-apart Breath-effect (or: Holy Spirit; or: consecrated spirit and attitude; [D* and p38 read: we have not so much as heard of any one's receiving a holy spirit])." 3 So he said, "Into what, therefore (or: then), were you folks immersed (or: baptized)?" And they said, "Into the immersion that originated with (or: which had the character of and pertained to; which was carried out by) John." 4 Yet Paul said, "John immersed (or: baptized) [into] an immersion (a baptism) of a change of thinking for the people, repeatedly saying that they could and should at once put their trust in, believe and place loyalty into the One progressively coming after him – that is, into Jesus."